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A day at the beach in Togo. We were on a trip to three different African countries, and we visited a beach in Togo that was close to a market.

Activities in Togo

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Why People Love Togo

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Togo

May 2023
A large group of us signed up for this private tour. It got off to a strange start when we were told that we would have a driver, guide and a photographer along with eight of us - which meant 11 people in the van. We went along with this since we had no choice, and thinking it would be nice to h...
Feb 2023
Mirabetour really has logistics down for this tour. An air conditioned car with driver and wifi helps you criss cross the city and see a lot of things in a short timeframe. The tour was true to the itinerary, including a stop for lunch and more than 5 different tourist attractions along the way. ...
May 2023
We have booked a group tour of 20 people with Miabétour, which was recommended to us by a friend who had previously used their services for a 6 nights in Benin and Togo. She reassured us that we would have no issues with them, and even in case of problems, they are very open to finding solutions....

Frequently Asked Questions about Togo

What are some must-visit attractions in Togo?

Togo is a country with a rich cultural heritage and many interesting attractions. Some must-visit attractions include the Grand Marche in Lome, the Tamberma Valley, the Koutammakou landscape, and the Fazao-Malfakassa National Park. Each of these destinations offers a unique experience, from the bustling markets of Lome to the stunning landscapes of the Tamberma Valley.

What are some popular activities to do in Togo?

There are many popular activities to do in Togo. Some of the most popular activities include visiting the beaches, hiking in the mountains, and exploring the local culture. Togo is also known for its vibrant music scene, so be sure to check out some local bands while you are there.

What is the best time of year to visit Togo?

The best time to visit Togo is during the dry season, which runs from November to March. During this time, the weather is mild and there is less rain. However, if you are interested in visiting the national parks, it is best to visit during the rainy season, which runs from April to October. During this time, the parks are lush and green, and the waterfalls are at their best.

What are some traditional dishes to try in Togo?

Togo has a rich culinary tradition, with many unique dishes to try. Some must-try dishes include fufu (a starchy dough served with soup or stew), akume (a cornmeal dish), and gari foto (a dish made with cassava flour and vegetables). You should also try some of the delicious fresh seafood that is available in Togo.

What are some good places to stay in Togo?

There are many good places to stay in Togo, ranging from budget-friendly hostels to luxury hotels. Some popular options include the Radisson Blu Hotel 2 Fevrier Lome, the Hotel Sarakawa, and the Hotel Residence Madiba. If you are on a budget, you can also find many affordable guesthouses and hostels in the major cities.

What are some safety tips for traveling to Togo?

Togo is generally a safe country to visit, but it is important to take some basic safety precautions. Be aware of your surroundings at all times, and avoid walking alone at night. It is also important to keep your valuables out of sight and to be cautious when using public transportation. Finally, make sure you have all necessary vaccinations before you travel to Togo.

What is the local currency in Togo, and can I use credit cards?

The local currency in Togo is the West African CFA franc, which is also used in several other African countries. While some larger businesses may accept credit cards, it is generally best to have cash on hand. There are ATMs available in major cities, but they may be unreliable, so it is a good idea to have some cash before you arrive.

What is the local language in Togo?

The official language of Togo is French, but many people also speak Ewe and Mina. It is a good idea to learn some basic French phrases before you travel to Togo, as it will make it easier to communicate with locals.

What is the culture like in Togo?

Togo has a rich cultural heritage, with many traditional festivals and customs that are still celebrated today. The people of Togo are generally very friendly and welcoming to visitors, and you will likely find yourself invited to local celebrations and events. The music and dance traditions of Togo are particularly vibrant and colorful.

What is the transportation like in Togo?

The transportation system in Togo is generally reliable, but it can be crowded and uncomfortable at times. Buses and taxis are the most common form of transportation, and they are relatively inexpensive. It is also possible to rent a car or hire a driver if you prefer more flexibility.