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The earth’s third largest monolith captured from third longest train(2.8km). Both located in the “red zone” of Mauritania.

Activities in Mauritania

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Why People Love Mauritania

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Mauritania

Mar 2023
El guía excepcional. Fue a buscarme al aeropuerto y me enseñó toda la ciudad, incluida la reserva de la foca monje
Mar 2024
The guide of this tour showed us multiple interesting sights in Nouadhibou, including it's down town area and we experienced the untamed beauty and warm hospitality of Mauritania in this tour of Nouadhibou.
Apr 2023
Bouh was really helpful and full of skills. He gives us plenty information about spots we visit and life in Mauritania. His father who was driving us around is unstoppable. Driving throughout the Sahara was great experience.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mauritania

What are some must-visit attractions in Mauritania?

Mauritania is a country with a rich history and culture. One of the must-visit attractions is the ancient city of Chinguetti, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Other attractions include the Banc d'Arguin National Park, the city of Nouakchott, and the ancient city of Ouadane.

What are some popular activities for tourists in Mauritania?

Mauritania is a great destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Some popular activities for tourists include hiking in the Adrar Mountains, camel trekking in the Sahara Desert, and bird watching in the Banc d'Arguin National Park. Additionally, visitors can enjoy cultural experiences such as visiting traditional markets and attending music and dance performances.

What is the best time of year to visit Mauritania?

The best time of year to visit Mauritania is between November and February, when the weather is cooler and drier. During this time, visitors can enjoy outdoor activities without the intense heat of the summer months. However, it's important to note that many attractions, such as the Chinguetti Book Festival, take place in the summer months.

What types of accommodations are available in Mauritania?

Mauritania offers a range of accommodations to suit different budgets and preferences. In cities like Nouakchott, visitors can find luxury hotels and guesthouses, while in more remote areas like the Adrar Mountains, traditional nomadic tents are available for rent. Additionally, there are many camping options available throughout the country.

What is the local cuisine like in Mauritania?

Mauritania has a unique cuisine that blends Arab, African, and French influences. Traditional dishes include couscous, tagine, and grilled meats. Tea is also an important part of Mauritanian culture, and is often served with mint, a symbol of hospitality. Visitors should also try the local delicacy, roasted sheep or goat, which is often served at special occasions.

What are some cultural norms to be aware of in Mauritania?

Mauritania is a predominantly Muslim country, and visitors should be respectful of local customs and traditions. Women in particular should dress conservatively, covering their heads and shoulders in public. Visitors should also be aware that alcohol is prohibited in Mauritania, and public displays of affection are not accepted.

What is the currency used in Mauritania?

The currency used in Mauritania is the Mauritanian ouguiya (MRO). Visitors should be aware that credit cards are not widely accepted in Mauritania, and it's recommended to carry cash for purchases.

What is the language spoken in Mauritania?

The official language of Mauritania is Arabic, but French is also widely spoken. Additionally, many ethnic groups in Mauritania have their own languages and dialects.

Is it safe to travel to Mauritania?

Mauritania is generally safe for tourists, but visitors should be aware of the risk of terrorism and kidnapping. The US Department of State recommends that visitors exercise increased caution when traveling to Mauritania, especially in remote areas. Visitors should also be aware of the risk of petty crime, such as theft and pickpocketing.

What is the transportation system like in Mauritania?

Mauritania has a limited transportation system, with most people traveling by car or bus. Taxis are available in cities like Nouakchott, but visitors should negotiate a fare before getting in. Additionally, there are a number of domestic airlines that operate within Mauritania, but flights can be infrequent and unreliable.