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St. Helena airport is the winner of the Airport Awards’ Design Project of the Year for 2018. However, it was also named the world’s worst airport being on a small island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with only a few flights a week.

Hotels & Accommodations in St. Helena

Why People Love St. Helena

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in St. Helena

Frequently Asked Questions about St. Helena

What are some must-see attractions in St. Helena?

St. Helena is a small island with a population of around 4,000 people. Despite its size, there's plenty to see and do on the island. One of the most popular attractions is the Napoleon's Tomb, which is the final resting place of the exiled French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Another must-see attraction is the St. Helena Museum, which provides a fascinating insight into the island's history. For those interested in nature, the island's rugged coastline and interior provide ample opportunities for hiking and exploring.

What are some popular activities to do in St. Helena?

St. Helena is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Hiking is a popular activity, with trails ranging from easy walks to more challenging treks. Diving is also a popular pastime on the island, with a variety of dive sites to explore. For those interested in history, taking a tour of the island's historical landmarks and attractions is a must. Finally, enjoying the island's unique cuisine and local drinks is a must-do activity for any visitor.

What is the best time of year to visit St. Helena?

The best time to visit St. Helena is between November and May. This is the island's summer season, when temperatures are warm and rainfall is at its lowest. This makes it the perfect time for outdoor activities, such as hiking and diving. However, be aware that this is also the busiest time of year for tourism, so it's best to book your accommodation well in advance.

What kind of accommodations are available on St. Helena?

There are a variety of accommodations available on St. Helena to suit all budgets and preferences. For those who prefer a more luxurious experience, there are several high-end hotels and resorts on the island. For those on a tighter budget, there are guesthouses and bed and breakfasts available. It's important to note that accommodation on the island can book up quickly, especially during peak tourism season, so it's best to book well in advance.

What is the cuisine like in St. Helena?

St. Helena has a unique cuisine that reflects its history and culture. The island's isolation has led to the development of a distinct culinary style. Some popular dishes include fishcakes, goat stew, and pumpkin fritters. The island is also known for its coffee and local drinks, such as Tungi and St. Helena gin.

How do I get to St. Helena?

St. Helena is a remote island in the South Atlantic Ocean, so getting there can be a challenge. The island is accessible by air or sea. There are regular flights from Johannesburg, South Africa, and Cape Town, South Africa, to St. Helena. Alternatively, visitors can take a sea journey on the MV Helena, which departs from Cape Town and takes around five days to reach the island.

What is the currency used in St. Helena?

The currency used on St. Helena is the Saint Helena pound, which is pegged to the British pound. However, British pounds are also accepted on the island, and credit cards are widely accepted at most hotels and restaurants.

Is it safe to travel to St. Helena?

St. Helena is considered a safe destination for travelers. Crime is rare on the island, and visitors are unlikely to encounter any safety issues. However, it's always a good idea to take normal precautions, such as keeping valuables out of sight and locking your doors at night.

What is the weather like in St. Helena?

St. Helena has a subtropical climate, with warm temperatures year-round. The island's summer season runs from November to May, when temperatures are at their warmest. During the winter season, from June to October, temperatures are cooler, but still mild. Rainfall is highest during the winter season, so visitors should be prepared for occasional showers.

What is the culture like in St. Helena?

St. Helena has a unique culture that reflects its history and isolation. The island's population is a mix of African, British, and Portuguese descent, and this mix of cultures has given rise to a unique island culture. Visitors to the island can expect to see a blend of British and African cultural influences, with a strong emphasis on community and family.

What are some lesser-known attractions in St. Helena?

While St. Helena has several must-see attractions, there are also some lesser-known gems to discover. One of these is Lot's Wife's Ponds, a series of natural rock pools located on the island's east coast. Another is High Knoll Fort, a historic fortification that offers stunning views of the island's interior. Finally, for those interested in astronomy, the island's clear skies and lack of light pollution make it an ideal destination for stargazing.