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Hotels & Accommodations in Libya

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Why People Love Libya

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Libya

Peter H
Sep 2022
An excellent trip out on a very clean catamaran. We sailed straight out from Funchal and were lucky enough to see a large group of pilot whales surfacing to breathe; the crew stayed for about 10 minutes in this area to give everyone a good view. The boat then headed in the direction of Cabo Gir...
Jun 2022
Very friendly helpful staff! Cruise was good if a little slow but we did see dolphins. Maybe spend a little more time for a swim, highlight of the trip for us, great fun diving off the boat in fantastic water. Pack a light wind breaker!
Jun 2022
We saw 3 pods of dolphins on our trip which were absolutely amazing. We then stopped somewhere else where we could jump off for a swim. Most enjoyable afternoon and very good value. Would recommend.

Frequently Asked Questions about Libya

What are some top activities to do in Libya?

Libya has many outdoor activities to offer, including camel trekking, visiting the Sahara Desert, and exploring the ancient Roman city of Sabratha. Camel trekking is an ideal way to experience the vastness and beauty of the Sahara desert. Visiting the Sahara and experiencing its vastness is an ideal way to experience the beauty of the desert. Sabratha, one of Libya's ancient Roman cities, is a must-see attraction for history lovers.

What are some must-see attractions in Libya?

Libya has many must-see attractions, including the Leptis Magna, Sabratha, and the Sahara Desert. Leptis Magna is one of the best-preserved Roman cities in the world, and it is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Sabratha was a Roman city and is famous for its theater and mosaics. The Sahara Desert is the largest hot desert in the world and is an unforgettable experience for travelers.

What are some of the best accommodations in Libya?

Libya has a variety of accommodations to choose from, ranging from luxury hotels to budget-friendly guesthouses. Some of the top luxury hotels include Al Waddan Hotel in Tripoli and Corinthia Hotel in Tripoli. For a mid-range option, consider the Four Points by Sheraton in Tripoli. For budget-friendly options, Al-Kendi Hotel in Tripoli and Dar El Founoun in Ghadames are great choices.

What is the best time of year to visit Libya?

The best time to visit Libya is from November to March, as the weather is mild and comfortable. During this time, you can visit the Sahara Desert, explore the ancient ruins, and enjoy outdoor activities without the intense heat. However, it is important to note that Libya is still recovering from years of instability, and travel to the country is not recommended by many governments due to safety concerns.

What should I pack for a trip to Libya?

When traveling to Libya, it is important to pack light and bring clothing appropriate for hot weather. Loose-fitting, lightweight clothing is ideal. Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat are also recommended. If you plan to visit the Sahara, bring a scarf or mask to protect your face from the sand. Additionally, it is important to bring a first-aid kit and any necessary medications.

What are some cultural experiences I can have in Libya?

Libya has a rich cultural history, and there are many opportunities to experience this culture firsthand. Visit the ancient Roman cities of Leptis Magna and Sabratha to see the impact of Roman culture on the region. You can also visit the old city of Ghadames, known for its beautiful architecture and traditional way of life. Additionally, try local Libyan cuisine, such as couscous, bazeen, and shakshouka.

What is the currency in Libya, and where can I exchange money?

The currency in Libya is the Libyan dinar. It is recommended to exchange money at official exchange offices or banks, as exchanging money on the street can be dangerous. Many hotels also offer currency exchange services, but the rates may not be as favorable as official exchange offices.

Is it safe to travel to Libya?

Libya is still recovering from years of instability, and travel to the country is not recommended by many governments due to safety concerns. It is important to check travel advisories and stay informed about the current situation in the country. If you do choose to travel to Libya, it is recommended to hire a local guide and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety.

What is the transportation system like in Libya?

Transportation in Libya is primarily by car or taxi. There are also some buses and trains available, but they are not as common. If you plan to drive in Libya, it is important to note that the road conditions can be poor, and traffic laws are not always followed. Additionally, it is recommended to hire a local driver or take a taxi rather than driving yourself.

What is the food like in Libya?

Libyan cuisine is a mixture of North African, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern influences. Couscous, bazeen, and shakshouka are popular dishes, as well as grilled meats and seafood. Tea is the most common beverage, and it is often served with dates or other small snacks. It is important to note that alcohol is not widely available in Libya due to religious restrictions.

What are some tips for staying safe while traveling in Libya?

If you plan to travel to Libya, it is important to take necessary precautions to ensure your safety. Hire a local guide or travel with a reputable tour company. Stay informed about the current situation in the country and avoid areas with high crime rates. Additionally, dress conservatively and be respectful of local customs and culture.