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white and blue tower on top of mountain covered in snow

Activities in Turkmenistan

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Why People Love Turkmenistan

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Turkmenistan

Frequently Asked Questions about Turkmenistan

What are the must-see attractions in Turkmenistan?

Turkmenistan is home to some unique and impressive attractions that are worth visiting. One of the top attractions is the Darvaza Gas Crater, also known as the Door to Hell. It's a natural gas field that has been burning for decades, and is a stunning sight to see at night. Other popular attractions include the ancient city of Merv, the Kunya-Urgench ruins, and the Ashgabat National Museum of History and Ethnography.

What are some unique activities to do in Turkmenistan?

There are a variety of unique activities to do in Turkmenistan. One popular activity is to visit the Yangykala Canyon, which is known for its stunning rock formations and colorful landscape. Another activity is to take a camel ride through the deserts and mountains of Turkmenistan. You can also visit the Akhal-Teke horse stables, where you can learn about the famous breed of horses and even see them perform in a show.

What are the best accommodations in Turkmenistan?

Turkmenistan offers a variety of accommodations for travelers of all budgets. For those looking for luxury accommodations, the Yyldyz Hotel in Ashgabat offers spacious rooms, a spa, and stunning views of the city. The Grand Turkmen Hotel is another luxury option, located in the heart of Ashgabat. For a more budget-friendly option, the Ak Altyn Hotel offers comfortable rooms and a central location in Ashgabat. There are also a variety of guesthouses and homestays available throughout the country.

What is the best time of year to visit Turkmenistan?

The best time to visit Turkmenistan is during the spring and fall months, when the weather is mild and comfortable. The summer months can be extremely hot, with temperatures reaching over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Winter can be cold, with temperatures dropping below freezing at night. Keep in mind that Turkmenistan is a desert country, and temperatures can fluctuate greatly between day and night.

What should I pack when traveling to Turkmenistan?

When traveling to Turkmenistan, it's important to pack for the climate and culture. Comfortable, lightweight clothing is recommended for the hot weather, but keep in mind that Turkmenistan is a conservative country, so it's important to dress modestly. A hat and sunglasses are also recommended to protect from the strong sun. If you plan to visit the desert, be sure to bring sturdy shoes and plenty of water. It's also a good idea to bring a small first aid kit and any necessary medications.

Is Turkmenistan a safe country to visit?

Turkmenistan is generally considered a safe country to visit. However, travelers should still take normal safety precautions, such as avoiding demonstrations, carrying identification at all times, and being aware of their surroundings. It's also important to note that Turkmenistan is a conservative country, and travelers should respect local customs and dress modestly.

What is the currency in Turkmenistan?

The currency in Turkmenistan is the Turkmenistan manat. It's recommended to exchange money at official exchange offices or banks to avoid scams. Credit cards are not widely accepted, so it's a good idea to carry cash.

Do I need a visa to visit Turkmenistan?

Yes, visitors to Turkmenistan are required to obtain a visa in advance. The visa application process can be complicated, and it's recommended to apply through a travel agency. It's also important to note that Turkmenistan has strict visa regulations for journalists and photographers, so it's important to obtain the proper permits before taking photos or conducting interviews.

What is the food like in Turkmenistan?

Turkmen cuisine is heavily influenced by the country's nomadic history and the flavors of neighboring countries. Some popular dishes include shashlik (grilled meat), plov (rice pilaf), and manty (steamed dumplings). Vegetarian options are limited, but there are a variety of salads and soups available. Tea is the national drink, and is typically served with meals.

What is the language spoken in Turkmenistan?

The official language of Turkmenistan is Turkmen, which is a Turkic language. Russian is also commonly spoken, especially in urban areas. English is not widely spoken, so it's a good idea to learn some basic Turkmen or Russian phrases before traveling to Turkmenistan.