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Hotels & Accommodations in Nepal

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Why People Love Nepal

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Nepal

Apr 2023
Trip ke Tibet dan Everest Base Camp ini menurut gue merupakan trip yang worth it di lakukan ‘cukup’ sekali seumur hidup karena baru pertama kali nya gue melihat pemandangan yang indah dan keren pake banget aseli! Mulai dari melihat pemandangan deretan gunung es, jalan berkelok-kelok yang gue udah...
Apr 2022
Breakfree Adventure kann ich nur jedem weiterempfehlen. Die gesamte Tour war Top organisiert. Am Abend verschaffte uns unser Guide immer einen Überblick über den nächsten Tag. Sogar jeden einzelnen Berg während des Aufstiegs konnte er uns nennen und er wusste eine Antwort auf all unsere Fragen. D...
Apr 2022
My son and I booked our trek with Breakfree Adventure about 9 months before the trekking date and were kept informed by Breakfree up until the last day before we traveled. They provided detailed instructions for both the required booking and airport arrival. At the airport, we were greeted by a ...

Frequently Asked Questions about Nepal

What are some popular activities to do in Nepal?

Nepal is a country with a rich history and culture, and there are plenty of activities for travelers to enjoy. One popular activity is trekking in the Himalayas. The Annapurna Circuit and the Everest Base Camp trek are two of the most popular routes. Bungee jumping, paragliding, and white water rafting are also popular activities for adventure seekers. For a more cultural experience, you can visit the ancient city of Bhaktapur, the temples of Kathmandu, or participate in a yoga or meditation retreat.

What are some must-see attractions in Nepal?

One of the most iconic attractions in Nepal is Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. Other must-see attractions include the ancient city of Kathmandu, the temples of Pashupatinath and Swayambhunath, and the Chitwan National Park. The city of Pokhara is also a popular destination for its beautiful lake and stunning mountain views.

What are the best accommodations in Nepal?

There are a variety of accommodations available in Nepal to suit different budgets and preferences. For a luxurious stay, you can check out hotels such as Dwarika's Hotel, Gokarna Forest Resort, or the Hyatt Regency Kathmandu. For a more affordable option, you can stay at guesthouses or lodges along popular trekking routes. Some popular options include the Annapurna Guest House in Kathmandu and the Yeti Mountain Home in the Everest region.

What is the best time of year to visit Nepal?

The best time to visit Nepal depends on what you want to do. The peak trekking season is from September to November, when the weather is dry and clear. Spring (March to May) is also a good time to visit for trekking, as the flowers are in bloom and the weather is mild. The monsoon season (June to August) can be a challenge for trekking, as the trails can be muddy and the views can be obscured by clouds. Winter (December to February) is a good time to visit if you want to avoid the crowds, but it can be quite cold in the mountains.

What type of food can I expect in Nepal?

Nepali cuisine is a mix of Indian, Tibetan, and Chinese influences. Some popular dishes include momos (dumplings), dal bhat (rice and lentils), and chow mein (stir-fried noodles). Street food is also popular and includes items such as samosas and chaat (a spicy snack made with fried dough and potatoes). For those with a sweet tooth, try the sel roti (a sweet fried doughnut) or the lassi (a yogurt-based drink).

What is the currency used in Nepal?

The currency used in Nepal is the Nepalese rupee. ATMs are widely available in major cities and tourist areas, but it's always a good idea to carry cash in case of power outages or technical issues. Major credit cards are accepted at some hotels and restaurants, but it's a good idea to check in advance.

What should I pack for a trip to Nepal?

What you pack for Nepal will depend on the season and the activities you plan to do. For trekking, you'll need warm clothing, a sturdy pair of hiking boots, and a good quality sleeping bag. For a cultural trip, it's a good idea to pack comfortable, lightweight clothing that covers your shoulders and knees (as a sign of respect). Other items to consider include a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, insect repellent, and a first aid kit.

Is it safe to travel to Nepal?

Nepal is generally a safe country for travelers, with a low crime rate. However, it's always a good idea to take precautions and avoid carrying large amounts of cash or valuables. The mountainous terrain can be challenging, so it's important to be prepared and follow safety guidelines when trekking or participating in adventure activities. It's also a good idea to check the latest travel advisories before booking your trip.

What is the culture like in Nepal?

Nepal has a rich and diverse culture, with influences from Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religions. The people are friendly and welcoming to visitors, and it's common to be invited into someone's home for tea or a meal. Nepali society is hierarchical, with a strong emphasis on family and social status. Respect for elders and authority figures is important. It's also important to dress modestly and remove your shoes before entering a temple or home.

What is the transportation system like in Nepal?

Nepal has a limited transportation system, with few highways and only one international airport (in Kathmandu). Local buses and taxis are available in major cities and towns. Jeep and motorcycle rentals are also available for those who want to explore on their own. However, the roads can be challenging, and traffic can be chaotic. Flying is also an option for those who want to avoid the long bus rides between destinations.