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Activities in Palau

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Why People Love Palau

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Palau

亭云 龔
Jan 2023
非常棒的體驗 導遊人很nice
他們會親自來飯店接送你,完全不用擔心危險,旅程中導遊都會保護我們,上山的路上也都是一直盯著我們走路,在前面後面顧著,瀑布也真的很漂亮!很直得去一看!體驗不一樣的風景,不一樣的人文風情!午餐去吃的是海邊餐廳,餐點非常非常好吃!路途中導遊很照顧我們,會沿路介紹經過或當地的文化。還會幫我們拍照!因為是去完就去機場,導遊還推薦一家機場附近的美味漢堡,真的是我吃過最好吃的漢堡了!很不一樣的體驗!但不建議下雨天去 剛下過雨的路都是軟泥土!
珮甄 吳
Mar 2023
第一件事:優質的導遊-關心你初來乍到的旅程安排,提醒旅程前準備的注意事項,沿途介紹帛琉的各種風土民情,認識這個國家與旅遊的點點滴滴,有好的導遊,讓你的旅程加很多分。 第二件事:優質的導遊-北島瀑布探險非常有趣,路途不難,導遊還會介紹沿途的小故事,準備水讓你沖洗,超級細心! 第三件事:優質的導遊-關心我們旅遊前後的規劃與安排,中午的秘境餐廳超美,沒跟到這團,絕對到不了!晚餐幫忙預約好吃的餐廳,還挑了一個燈光美氣氛佳的位子! 整體非常喜歡這次的行程,來帛琉除了潛水,還有很多好玩的行程唷!
子賢 廖
Nov 2021
這兩天我們一共潛了4支高氧氣瓶,最大深度達29米,平均深度落在16米,平均潛上50分鐘的行程裡,我們在烏龍水道Ulong Channel欣賞鯊魚的王者風範、烏龍沙洲Ulong Sand Bar的豐富珊瑚生態、德國水道German Channel的絕美以及最後在藍角Blue Corner緊貼著深不見底的斷層峭壁悠遊,與像是狗狗討拍的蘇眉魚共游、梭魚風暴等許多潛水人為之一亮的生態呢! 與大家分享此行的遊記參考

Frequently Asked Questions about Palau

What are some must-see attractions in Palau?

Palau is a beautiful island nation that offers a variety of attractions for tourists. Some of the most popular attractions include the Jellyfish Lake, the Rock Islands, and the Milky Way. Jellyfish Lake is a unique place where visitors can swim with thousands of jellyfish that have lost their sting. The Rock Islands are a group of over 300 small islands that are surrounded by crystal clear waters and offer a variety of activities such as snorkeling, diving, kayaking, and fishing. The Milky Way is a popular spot where visitors can cover themselves in the natural white mud which is believed to have age-defying properties.

What are some popular activities to do in Palau?

Palau is a great destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Some of the most popular activities include diving, snorkeling, kayaking, and fishing. Palau is home to some of the best diving spots in the world with crystal clear waters and a diverse marine life. Kayaking is another great way to explore the islands and the mangrove forests. Fishing is also a popular activity in Palau, with a variety of fish species available for catch.

What is the best time of year to visit Palau?

The best time to visit Palau is during the dry season which runs from November to April. During this time, the weather is sunny and dry, and the sea is calm, making it ideal for outdoor activities such as diving and snorkeling. However, this is also the peak tourist season, so expect higher prices and larger crowds. The wet season, from May to October, can be unpredictable with occasional storms and heavy rainfalls. But this is also a great time to visit if you're after cheaper prices and fewer tourists.

What are the best accommodations in Palau?

Palau offers a variety of accommodations to suit every budget and preference. From luxury resorts to budget-friendly hostels, there's something for everyone. Some of the most popular hotels and resorts include Palau Pacific Resort, Palau Royal Resort, and Airai Water Paradise Hotel & Spa. For budget-friendly options, there are also several hostels and guesthouses such as DW Motel, West Plaza Hotel, and Rose Garden Resort.

What are some recommended restaurants in Palau?

Palau has a variety of restaurants that offer traditional Palauan cuisine as well as international dishes. Some of the best restaurants to try include Kramers Cafe, The Taj Palau, and The Taj Indian Restaurant. Kramers Cafe is a popular spot for breakfast and brunch, serving delicious pancakes, waffles, and eggs benedict. The Taj Palau offers a mix of Indian and Palauan cuisine, with a variety of curries, biryanis, and seafood dishes. The Taj Indian Restaurant is a great option for vegetarians, with a variety of vegetarian and vegan dishes available.

How do I get to Palau?

The most common way to get to Palau is by air. There are several airlines that operate flights to Palau, including United Airlines, China Airlines, and Asiana Airlines. Palau International Airport is located on Babeldaob Island, which is connected to Koror Island by a bridge. Once you arrive at the airport, you can take a taxi or shuttle to your hotel.

What is the currency used in Palau?

The official currency of Palau is the US dollar. Most businesses in Palau accept US dollars, and you can easily exchange currency at banks and exchange offices. Credit cards are also widely accepted at hotels, restaurants, and shops.

What is the language spoken in Palau?

The official languages of Palau are Palauan and English. Most Palauans speak both languages fluently, and English is widely spoken throughout the country. In addition, there are also several other languages spoken in Palau, including Japanese, Chinese, and Tagalog.

Do I need a visa to visit Palau?

Most visitors to Palau do not need a visa, and can stay for up to 30 days without a visa. However, visitors from certain countries may need to apply for a visa before traveling to Palau. It's best to check with your local embassy or consulate to find out if you need a visa.

Is Palau a safe destination for travelers?

Palau is generally a safe destination for travelers. The crime rate in Palau is low, and violent crime is rare. However, visitors should exercise caution and take basic safety precautions, such as not leaving valuables unattended and being aware of their surroundings. In addition, visitors should be aware that the waters around Palau can be dangerous, and should always follow the advice of local guides when engaging in water activities.