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A casual stroll in downtown Trujillo, Peru leads us to an impromptu dessert stop.

Hotels & Accommodations in Trujillo, Peru

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Why People Love Trujillo, Peru

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Trujillo, Peru

Jun 2022
This was a very well organized tour to multiple sites in Trujillo. I felt that I was able to see so much more in one day than I could have on my own. The group was small and traveled in one van, which allowed a more personal experience at a purposeful but relaxed pace. Communication with the comp...
Sep 2022
Office/pickup/dropoff location is centrally located (right next Plaza de Armas). From there transport picks you up before you head to Chan Chan for about 2 hours. Then to Huanchaco neighborhood for an hour lunch. Then to La Huaca de la Luna for another 2-2.5 hours. With transport times added, we ...
Jul 2022
Great experience. Long day and it was great learning about the different civilization. In the middle of the trip we ended up going to a restaurant with a cute dance. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip. -Entrance tickets were not included but were reasonably priced. I would def book again.

Frequently Asked Questions about Trujillo

What are some popular things to do in Trujillo?

Trujillo is a city rich in history and culture. Some popular things to do include visiting the Chan Chan archaeological site, exploring the Huaca de la Luna and Huaca del Sol temples, and taking a stroll through the historic city center. Other popular activities include surfing at Huanchaco Beach and visiting the Trujillo Cathedral.

What are some must-visit attractions in Trujillo?

Trujillo has a variety of attractions that are definitely worth visiting. Some must-visit attractions include the Chan Chan archaeological site, which is the largest adobe city in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage site. The Huaca de la Luna and Huaca del Sol temples are also popular attractions, as is the Trujillo Cathedral. Other attractions include the Plaza de Armas, the Casa de la Emancipacin, and the Museo de Arqueologa de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo.

What are some good restaurants in Trujillo?

Trujillo has a variety of restaurants that offer delicious local cuisine. Some good options include La Casona del Virrey, which serves traditional Peruvian food in a colonial-style building, and El Mochica, which is known for its ceviche and grilled dishes. Other popular restaurants include La Sirena de Huanchaco, which offers seafood and beachfront views, and El Celler de Cler, which is a cozy spot for tapas and wine.

What are some good hotels in Trujillo?

Trujillo has a variety of hotels that cater to different budgets and preferences. Some good options include Hotel Libertador Trujillo, which is a modern hotel with a pool and fitness center, and Hotel Costa del Sol Trujillo Centro, which is a stylish hotel in the city center. Other popular hotels include Hotel Los Conquistadores, which is a colonial-style hotel with a garden, and Hotel Portada del Sol, which is a budget-friendly option with a rooftop terrace.

Is it safe to travel to Trujillo?

Trujillo is generally a safe city for tourists, but it is always important to exercise caution when traveling. It is recommended to avoid walking alone at night, especially in areas that are not well-lit. It is also a good idea to keep your valuables in a safe place and to be aware of your surroundings at all times.

What is the best time of year to visit Trujillo?

The best time of year to visit Trujillo is during the dry season, which runs from May to October. During this time, the weather is mild and there is little rainfall. However, it is also the peak tourist season, so it can be crowded and prices may be higher. The wet season, which runs from November to April, can also be a good time to visit, as the landscape is lush and green.

What is the currency used in Trujillo?

The currency used in Trujillo is the Peruvian sol. It is recommended to exchange your currency at a bank or exchange house, as exchange rates at airports and hotels can be unfavorable. ATMs are also widely available in Trujillo.

What is the language spoken in Trujillo?

The official language of Peru is Spanish, and this is also the most commonly spoken language in Trujillo. However, many people in the tourism industry also speak English, and there are also speakers of indigenous languages in the region.

How can I get around Trujillo?

Trujillo has a variety of transportation options, including taxis, buses, and colectivos (shared taxis). Taxis are the most convenient option for getting around the city, and they are relatively inexpensive. Buses and colectivos are also available and are a good option for traveling to nearby towns and attractions.

What is the food like in Trujillo?

Trujillo is known for its delicious cuisine, which is heavily influenced by the region's history and geography. Some popular dishes include ceviche, which is a dish of raw fish marinated in lime juice and spices, and causa, which is a dish made of mashed potatoes and stuffed with various fillings. Other popular dishes include arroz con mariscos (rice with seafood), lomo saltado (stir-fried beef), and aj de gallina (chicken in a creamy sauce).