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Hotels & Accommodations in Papua New Guinea

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Why People Love Papua New Guinea

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Papua New Guinea

Feb 2023
Air conditioned vehicle, driver who spoke excellent English and the local guide was from the village we visited.
Dec 2022
Wow! What a tour. We met Shane by chance off our cruise ship looking for a tour. My wife and I both got a good vibe from him and his drivers and we couldn't have been happier with our choice. The village we went in to was incredibly welcoming, and the Skull caves were must see. Shane's knowledge ...
Nov 2022
Really interesting day! A great way to experience Alotau and its surroundings safely with a local English speaking guide who is well informed and from a local company! Don’t forget your bathers if you would like to enjoy a swim.

Frequently Asked Questions about Papua New Guinea

What are the must-see attractions in Papua New Guinea?

There are many must-see attractions in Papua New Guinea, but some of the most popular ones include: - The Kokoda Track, a historic trail that follows the route of WWII battles between the Japanese and the Allies - Tavurvur Volcano, an active volcano on the island of New Britain - The Sepik River, a major waterway that winds through the country's interior and is home to many traditional communities - The Bismarck Archipelago, a group of islands that offers excellent diving and snorkeling opportunities - The Huli Wigmen, a tribe located in the Southern Highlands that are known for their elaborate and colorful costumes

What are some outdoor activities to do in Papua New Guinea?

Papua New Guinea is a great destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Here are some activities you can do: - Trekking in the mountains, such as the Kokoda Track or the Black Cat Trail - Diving and snorkeling in the Bismarck Archipelago or the Milne Bay area - Surfing at spots like Vanimo or Madang - Birdwatching in the country's many national parks and wildlife sanctuaries - River rafting on the Sepik River

What is the best time of year to visit Papua New Guinea?

The best time to visit Papua New Guinea is during the dry season, which runs from May to October. This is when the weather is most pleasant and there is the least amount of rain. However, keep in mind that some areas, such as the highlands, can be cold at night during this time. If you're interested in cultural festivals, the best time to visit is during the months of June through September, when many festivals take place.

What are some cultural experiences to have in Papua New Guinea?

Papua New Guinea is home to many different cultural groups, each with their own unique traditions and customs. Here are some cultural experiences you can have in the country: - Attending a sing-sing, a traditional gathering where different groups perform songs and dances - Visiting a village and learning about the local way of life - Witnessing a bride price ceremony, where a man pays a sum of money to a woman's family in exchange for marriage - Participating in a mudmen performance, a traditional dance that involves wearing masks made of mud - Trying traditional food, such as sweet potato, taro, and sago

What are some popular accommodations in Papua New Guinea?

Papua New Guinea offers a range of accommodations to suit different budgets and tastes. Here are some popular options: - Airways Hotel, a luxury hotel located in Port Moresby with views of the Coral Sea - Madang Resort Hotel, a beachfront resort with a swimming pool and tennis courts - Ambua Lodge, an eco-lodge located in the Southern Highlands that offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains - Rondon Ridge, a lodge located in the Western Highlands that offers easy access to birdwatching and trekking - Village Homestays, a unique opportunity to stay with local families and experience traditional village life

What are some safety tips for traveling in Papua New Guinea?

Papua New Guinea can be a challenging destination for travelers, so it's important to take some precautions. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind: - Be aware of your surroundings and avoid traveling alone at night - Avoid carrying large amounts of cash or wearing expensive jewelry - Keep your passport and other valuables in a secure location - Follow the advice of local authorities and avoid areas of civil unrest - Be aware of the risk of petty crime, such as pickpocketing and theft

What is the currency used in Papua New Guinea?

The currency used in Papua New Guinea is the kina. It is recommended that you bring cash in the form of Australian dollars or US dollars, as these are widely accepted in the country. Credit cards are not widely accepted outside of major hotels and restaurants, so it's a good idea to have cash on hand.

What is the food like in Papua New Guinea?

Papua New Guinean cuisine is diverse and varies depending on the region. Some popular dishes include: - Mumu, a traditional feast that involves cooking food in an underground oven - Lap lap, a dish made from grated vegetables and meat that is wrapped in banana leaves and cooked over hot stones - Kokoda, a dish made from raw fish marinated in lime juice and coconut cream - Sago, a starchy food made from the pith of the sago palm tree - Sweet potato, a staple crop that is used in many dishes

What is the visa process for traveling to Papua New Guinea?

Most visitors to Papua New Guinea require a visa to enter the country. You can apply for a visa at a Papua New Guinea embassy or consulate in your home country. Alternatively, you can apply for a visa on arrival at Port Moresby International Airport. You will need to provide proof of onward travel, such as a return ticket, and evidence of sufficient funds to support your stay. Visa fees vary depending on your nationality.

What is the transportation system like in Papua New Guinea?

Papua New Guinea has a limited transportation system, particularly outside of major cities. Here are some options for getting around the country: - Domestic flights are available between major cities and towns - Taxis and buses are available in major cities, but are often overcrowded and uncomfortable - Hire cars are available in major cities, but driving can be challenging due to poor road conditions - Boats are a common form of transportation in coastal areas and on some rivers

What are the entry requirements for traveling to Papua New Guinea?

Most visitors to Papua New Guinea require a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond the date of entry. Some visitors may also require a visa, as mentioned earlier. It is important to check the entry requirements for your specific nationality before you travel.