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Hotels & Accommodations in Cameroon

Why People Love Cameroon

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Cameroon

lucienne a
Apr 2022
camertour je découvre mon pays grace a vous ! tres heureuse d'avoir enfin visité ces fameuses chutes d eau dont j avais tant entendu parler. un spectacle grandiose
Eric K
Jan 2022
Une chute d'eau majestueuse et puissante. Prévoir un parapluie ou des vetemens de rechange car ca mouille bien quand on est en face !! J'ai voyagé avec camertour org, c'était très bien
Jan 2022
Super organisation, merci à pour cette visite incroyable et pour m'avoir permis de découvrir un bout de mon pays encore bravo et merci

Frequently Asked Questions about Cameroon

What are some popular tourist attractions in Cameroon?

Cameroon is known for its diverse wildlife and beautiful landscapes. Some of the popular tourist attractions in Cameroon include Waza National Park, Mount Cameroon, Limbe Botanic Garden, and Korup National Park.

What activities can I do in Cameroon?

There are plenty of activities to do in Cameroon. You can go on a safari in one of the country's national parks, hike up Mount Cameroon, visit the Limbe Botanic Garden, or explore the markets in Yaound or Douala. You can also visit the beautiful beaches in Limbe or Kribi, or take a cultural tour of one of the country's many traditional villages.

What is the best time to visit Cameroon?

The best time to visit Cameroon is during the dry season, which runs from November to February. During this time, the weather is mild and dry, making it the perfect time for outdoor activities. However, if you're looking to go on a safari, the best time to visit is during the wet season, from June to September, when the wildlife is more active and the vegetation is lush.

What are some traditional dishes to try in Cameroon?

Cameroon is known for its delicious cuisine, which features a mix of African, French, and Asian influences. Some popular dishes to try in Cameroon include Ndol (a stew made with bitter leaves and peanuts), Achu soup (a spicy soup made with palm oil and cocoyams), and Poulet DG (a dish made with chicken, plantains, and vegetables).

What are some accommodations to stay at in Cameroon?

There are plenty of accommodations to choose from in Cameroon, from luxury hotels to budget-friendly guesthouses. Some popular options include the Hilton Yaound, the Djeuga Palace Hotel in Yaound, the Residence Carlos in Douala, and the Seme Beach Hotel in Kribi.

What are some of the cultural experiences in Cameroon?

Cameroon is home to many traditional villages and ethnic groups, each with their own unique customs and traditions. Some cultural experiences to try in Cameroon include visiting the Baka people in the forest, learning about the Bamum Kingdom in Foumban, or attending a traditional dance performance in one of the villages.

What are the visa requirements for Cameroon?

Visitors to Cameroon must obtain a visa prior to arrival. You can apply for a visa at the nearest Cameroonian embassy or consulate. You will need to provide a passport photo, a completed visa application form, a copy of your flight itinerary, and proof of yellow fever vaccination.

What are some safety tips for traveling to Cameroon?

Cameroon is generally a safe country to travel to, but it's important to take precautions to ensure your safety. Avoid traveling alone at night, especially in urban areas, and be aware of your surroundings at all times. It's also important to be cautious when using public transportation and to avoid carrying large amounts of cash or valuables with you.

What is the currency used in Cameroon?

The currency used in Cameroon is the Central African CFA franc (XAF). You can exchange money at banks and exchange bureaus in major cities, and many hotels and restaurants also accept major credit cards.

What is the official language of Cameroon?

Cameroon has two official languages: French and English. However, there are over 250 languages spoken in the country, reflecting its diverse ethnic and cultural heritage.