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Activities in Sweden

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Why People Love Sweden

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Sweden

Nov 2019
It was a fantastic tour, I really enjoyed everything; the places the accommodations, the coach, the cruises and over all the tour guide Danielle, he was a terrific guy, many thanks
Oct 2019
we really enjoyed our trip and planning to repeat one more time, hotels were OK, breakfast was really good.
Sep 2019
This tour is amazing. You spend a lot of time in the bus, but I also felt like we saw a lot of stuff we wouldn't have otherwise. And the countryside is beautiful so you're not even bored on the bus.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sweden

What are some must-see attractions in Stockholm?

Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, boasts a number of must-see attractions for tourists. Some of the top attractions include the Vasa Museum, the Royal Palace, and the Gamla Stan (Old Town) area. The Vasa Museum is home to a 17th-century warship that sank on its maiden voyage and was later recovered. The Royal Palace is one of the largest palaces in Europe and serves as the official residence of the Swedish Royal Family. The Gamla Stan area is a charming historic district filled with narrow streets, old buildings, and great restaurants and cafes.

What are some popular outdoor activities in Sweden?

Sweden is known for its great outdoors, and there are plenty of activities for visitors to enjoy. Some of the most popular outdoor activities include hiking, biking, kayaking, and skiing. The country has an extensive network of hiking trails, including the famous King's Trail, which stretches over 400 kilometers from Abisko to Hemavan. The country also has great biking trails, including the Kattegattleden trail, which runs along the coast from Helsingborg to Gothenburg. Kayaking is a great way to explore the country's many lakes and waterways. And during the winter months, skiing is a popular activity, with many resorts offering downhill and cross-country skiing.

What are some unique accommodations in Sweden?

Sweden has a number of unique accommodations that are worth checking out. Some of the most popular include the Icehotel in Jukkasjrvi, the Treehotel in Harads, and the Salt & Sill hotel in Kldesholmen. The Icehotel is a hotel made entirely out of ice and snow, and is rebuilt every winter. The Treehotel offers guests the chance to stay in a treehouse, with rooms designed by some of Scandinavia's leading architects. The Salt & Sill hotel is a floating hotel in the Swedish archipelago, and offers guests the chance to stay in a floating room or cabin.

What is the best time of year to visit Sweden?

The best time of year to visit Sweden depends on what you want to do. If you're interested in winter sports like skiing or ice skating, then the winter months (December to February) are the best time to visit. If you're interested in outdoor activities like hiking and biking, then the summer months (June to August) are the best time to visit. The weather during these months is mild and pleasant, with long days and plenty of sunshine. If you're interested in seeing the Northern Lights, then the best time to visit is during the winter months, when the nights are long and dark.

What are some traditional Swedish foods to try?

Swedish cuisine is known for its hearty, comforting dishes. Some traditional Swedish foods to try include meatballs (kttbullar), pea soup (rtsoppa), and pickled herring (sill). Another popular dish is the smrgsbord, which is a buffet-style meal that typically includes a variety of cured meats, cheeses, and breads. For dessert, try the semla, a sweet roll filled with almond paste and whipped cream.

What are some popular destinations outside of Stockholm?

While Stockholm is the most popular destination in Sweden, there are plenty of other great destinations to explore. Gothenburg, on the west coast, is known for its seafood and lively music scene. Malm, in the south, is a charming city with a mix of old and new architecture. The island of Gotland, in the Baltic Sea, is home to some of Sweden's best beaches and medieval ruins. And the Lapland area, in the far north, is a great place to see the Northern Lights and experience traditional Sami culture.

What are some of the best museums to visit in Sweden?

Sweden has a number of great museums for visitors to explore. Some of the best include the ABBA Museum in Stockholm, which is dedicated to the famous Swedish pop group; the Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm, which features contemporary art from around the world; and the Skansen Open-Air Museum in Stockholm, which features historic buildings and exhibits about traditional Swedish culture. Other notable museums include the Vasa Museum, which is home to a 17th-century warship; the Gteborgs Konstmuseum in Gothenburg, which features works by Swedish and international artists; and the Museum of World Culture in Gothenburg, which explores the world's cultural diversity.

What are some popular festivals and events in Sweden?

Sweden is home to a number of popular festivals and events throughout the year. Some of the most well-known include the Midsummer celebration, which takes place in late June and involves dancing around a maypole and eating traditional foods like herring and new potatoes; the Stockholm Pride Festival, which is one of the largest LGBTQ+ festivals in the world; and the Nobel Prize Ceremony, which takes place in Stockholm every December and honors the year's Nobel laureates. Other notable events include the Gothenburg Film Festival, the Way Out West music festival in Gothenburg, and the Ice Music Festival in Lule.

What are some popular shopping destinations in Sweden?

Sweden is known for its stylish and modern designs, and there are plenty of great shopping destinations for visitors to explore. Some of the most popular include the NK department store in Stockholm, which features high-end fashion and home goods; the hlns department store in Stockholm, which offers a mix of high-end and affordable fashion and home goods; and the Sdermalm neighborhood in Stockholm, which is known for its independent boutiques and vintage shops. Other notable shopping destinations include the NK department store in Gothenburg, the Emporia shopping mall in Malm, and the Gallerian shopping center in Uppsala.

What are some popular Swedish souvenirs to bring home?

Sweden is known for its stylish and modern designs, and there are plenty of great souvenirs for visitors to bring home. Some popular options include Swedish crystal, which is known for its high quality and beautiful designs; traditional Swedish textiles, like wool blankets and linen napkins; and Swedish candy, like the famous Swedish Fish and Marabou chocolate. Other popular souvenirs include Swedish-made knives, like those made by the brand Morakniv, and Swedish-made furniture and home goods, like those made by the brand IKEA.