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Eiffel Tower, Paris France

Activities in France

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Why People Love France

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in France

Jan 2024
We took advantage of the student rate to bring the whole family there. The Louvre is a perfect place for a family day out, children were amazed by the paintings and sculptures.
Jan 2024
What a monument!! What more can I say than this museum is just the most wonderful museum in Paris, or even in the world. I am so grateful to have gone there.
Jan 2024
Awful experience. Tour operator no showed. Viator has not issued a refund. Thus us a scam operation. Will never use viator again. Negative 10 stars.

Frequently Asked Questions about France

What are some of the must-visit attractions in Paris?

There are so many must-visit attractions in Paris, it's hard to know where to start! The Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Louvre Museum, and the Champs-lyses are all popular spots. However, there are also many lesser-known attractions that are worth checking out, such as the Muse d'Orsay, the Montmartre neighborhood, and the Sainte-Chapelle.

What are some fun activities to do in the French countryside?

The French countryside offers a variety of activities, from hiking and biking to wine tasting and hot air ballooning. Some popular destinations include the Loire Valley, Provence, and the French Alps. In the Loire Valley, you can visit charming chteaux and sample local wines. Provence is known for its lavender fields and picturesque villages. The French Alps offer skiing and snowboarding during the winter months.

What are some of the best museums to visit in France?

France is home to many world-renowned museums. In addition to the Louvre, some other must-visit museums include the Muse d'Orsay, the Pompidou Center, and the Muse Rodin in Paris. Outside of Paris, the Muse Picasso in Antibes, the Muse Matisse in Nice, and the Muse des Beaux-Arts in Lyon are all worth a visit.

What are some great places to stay in Paris?

Paris has a variety of accommodations to suit all budgets and preferences. Some popular options include the Htel Plaza Athne, the Ritz Paris, and the Four Seasons Hotel George V. For a more affordable option, there are many charming boutique hotels and bed and breakfasts throughout the city. Alternatively, you could rent an apartment or stay in a hostel.

What is the best time of year to visit France?

The best time to visit France depends on what you want to do and see. If you're interested in skiing or winter sports, the French Alps are best visited during the winter months. Spring and fall are popular times to visit for mild weather and fewer crowds. Summer is peak tourist season, with many visitors flocking to the beaches and other attractions. However, this is also when many shops and restaurants close for vacation.

What are some of the best restaurants in Paris?

Paris is known for its world-class cuisine, and there are many excellent restaurants to choose from. Some popular options include Le Jules Verne, Le Comptoir du Relais, and Guy Savoy. For a more casual meal, there are many charming brasseries and bistros throughout the city. Be sure to try some French classics like escargots, foie gras, and steak frites.

What are some of the best shopping destinations in France?

France is known for its high-end fashion and luxury goods. Some popular shopping destinations include the Avenue des Champs-lyses and the Galeries Lafayette in Paris. For more unique finds, head to the flea markets in Saint-Ouen, which offer everything from antique furniture to vintage clothing. The city of Marseille is known for its soap, and the town of Limoges is famous for its porcelain.

What are some family-friendly activities in France?

France offers many family-friendly activities, from amusement parks and zoos to museums and castles. Disneyland Paris is a popular destination for families with young children. The Cit des Sciences et de l'Industrie in Paris is an interactive museum that is sure to keep kids entertained. The Loire Valley is home to many beautiful chteaux that kids will love exploring.

What are some of the best beaches in France?

France has a long coastline and many beautiful beaches to choose from. Some popular destinations include the French Riviera, the beaches of Normandy, and the island of Corsica. The Cte d'Azur is known for its glamorous beaches and seaside resorts. Normandy is home to the D-Day landing beaches and many charming seaside towns. Corsica is a rugged island with crystal-clear waters and stunning scenery.

What are some of the best wine regions to visit in France?

France is known for its wine, and there are many regions to choose from. Some popular destinations include Bordeaux, Burgundy, and the Loire Valley. Bordeaux is known for its red wines, while Burgundy is famous for its Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. The Loire Valley produces a variety of wines, including Sauvignon Blanc and Chenin Blanc. Many wineries offer tours and tastings.