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Last summer we sailed with family and friends from Tonga via Fiji to New-Caledonia. We made a stopover at Tanna, a small island which is part of Vanuatu. We discovered that there was an active volcano, Mt. Yasur, so we decided to hike up the mountain where we witnessed a beautiful sunset and incredible magma eruptions. The guy on the picture is a friend of mine, wearing a Xirene shirt: the name of our ship.

Hotels & Accommodations in Vanuatu

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Why People Love Vanuatu

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Vanuatu

Jan 2023
This is a fantastic once in a lifetime experience. The roar of the volcano whilst watching lava swirl, bubble and spit and steam whirl around the volcano is incredible. I am a solo female traveller and have never been made to feel uncomfortable in Vanuatu. Extremely friendly and warm people.
Jan 2023
Sexual harassment by the guide "Look" Being a solo woman traveller, the guide took advantage of the situation to ask for sex several times in exchange of free entry.
Mar 2023
Such a rush! Loved every moment. Great 4WD up the hill, then you walk right on the rim of the volcano. So special.

Frequently Asked Questions about Vanuatu

What are some must-see attractions in Vanuatu?

Vanuatu is a beautiful destination full of must-see attractions. One popular attraction is the Mele Cascades, a stunning series of waterfalls that are perfect for swimming and hiking. Another must-see is the underwater post office, where you can actually mail postcards from underwater! The Millennium Cave is also a popular attraction, with a challenging trek through the jungle to reach the entrance of the cave. For history buffs, the Ekasup Cultural Village offers a glimpse into traditional Vanuatu life and customs.

What activities are available in Vanuatu?

Vanuatu offers a wide range of activities for all types of travelers. If you're looking for adventure, consider ziplining through the jungle or climbing to the top of a volcano. Water activities are also popular, such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and surfing. For a more relaxing experience, there are plenty of pristine beaches to lounge on and spas to enjoy. You can also take a cultural tour to learn more about the local way of life.

What are some of the best accommodations in Vanuatu?

Vanuatu has a variety of accommodations to suit every traveler's needs. For a luxurious experience, consider the Iririki Island Resort & Spa or the Warwick Le Lagon Resort & Spa. If you're traveling on a budget, the Coconut Palms Resort or the Tropicana Lagoon Apartments are great options. For a unique experience, try staying in a traditional bungalow at the Erakor Island Resort & Spa or the Nasama Resort.

What is the best time of year to visit Vanuatu?

The best time to visit Vanuatu is during the dry season, which runs from May to October. During this time, you can expect warm and sunny weather with low humidity. The wet season, from November to April, can be hot and humid with frequent rain showers and the occasional cyclone. However, the wet season can also be a good time to visit for those looking for off-season deals and fewer crowds.

What is the local cuisine in Vanuatu like?

Vanuatu has a unique cuisine that blends local ingredients with French and British influences. One popular dish is lap lap, which is made from grated yam or taro mixed with coconut cream and meat or fish, then wrapped in banana leaves and cooked in an earth oven. Another must-try is the national dish of Vanuatu, called tuluk. It is made from pork, beef, or fish cooked in an underground oven with vegetables and coconut cream. Seafood is also plentiful and delicious, with fresh catches of lobster, prawns, and fish available daily.

What currency is used in Vanuatu?

The currency used in Vanuatu is the Vanuatu vatu. While some places may accept Australian dollars, it is recommended to have vatu on hand for local transactions. ATMs are available in most urban areas, and credit cards are accepted at many hotels, resorts, and restaurants.

What is the local language in Vanuatu?

Vanuatu has three official languages: English, French, and Bislama. Bislama is a creole language that developed from English, and is widely spoken by locals. However, there are over 100 indigenous languages spoken throughout the islands, making Vanuatu one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world.

What is the culture like in Vanuatu?

Vanuatu has a rich and diverse culture, with a strong emphasis on community and tradition. The country is made up of over 80 islands, each with its own unique customs and practices. Many locals still practice traditional ways of life, such as subsistence farming and fishing. Traditional dances and ceremonies are also an important aspect of Vanuatu culture, with colorful costumes and elaborate performances. Visitors are encouraged to respect local customs and participate in cultural activities.

What is the nightlife like in Vanuatu?

Vanuatu is not known for its nightlife, but there are still plenty of options for those looking for evening entertainment. Most bars and clubs are located in the capital city of Port Vila, with a handful of options in other urban areas. Some resorts also offer evening entertainment, such as cultural shows or live music. However, it is important to note that Vanuatu is a relatively quiet and laid-back destination, and the focus is often on daytime activities and relaxation.

What is the weather like in Vanuatu?

Vanuatu has a tropical climate, with warm and humid weather year-round. The average temperature is around 25-30C (77-86F), with slightly cooler temperatures during the dry season. The wet season, from November to April, can be hot and humid with frequent rain showers, while the dry season, from May to October, is warm and sunny with less humidity.