Hg Lomo Blanco

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Hg Lomo Blanco
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Apartment Two Bedrooms

45 sqm
Sleeps up to 4
1 Sofa bed, 1 Double

Apartment Two Bedrooms

45 sqm
Sleeps up to 3
2 Single, 1 Sofa bed

Apartment Capacity 4

52 sqm
Sleeps up to 5
1 Sofa bed, 1 Double

About Hg Lomo Blanco

This cosy and charming complex is built in the typical Canarian architecture and is situated in a great location just 400 metres from Puerto del Carmen on the beautiful island of Lanzarote. The stunning establishment is only located 24.5 kilometres from Playa Blanca and a mere 3 kilometres from Lanzarote Golf Resort for those who enjoy this exclusive sport. In the surrounding area, guests will find plenty of restaurants, bars, pubs and shopping venues. The roomy and comfortable apartments are fully equipped with all the necessary amenities for a dream-like experience. Visitors will be able to use the two heated swimming pools and work out at the fitness room with massage treatments and hairdressing services.

Location Map

Important Information


Check-in: After 6:00 PM
Check-out: 11:00 AM
Pets are not allowed
No smoking

Payment Methods

Accept all major debit and credit cards
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Due to the pandemic, accommodation and service providers may implement processes and policies to help protect the safety of all of us. This may result in the unavailability or changes in certain services and amenities that are normally available from them.More info click here https://cutt.ly/MT8BJcv

Frequently Asked Questions

What time can I check in at Hg Lomo Blanco?

The hotel room at Hg Lomo Blanco can be checked in after 6:00 PM (property's local time) on the day of arrival.

What time do I need to check out from the room at Hg Lomo Blanco?

The hotel room at Hg Lomo Blanco need to be checked out before 11:00 AM (property's local time) on the day of departure.

Are pets allowed at Hg Lomo Blanco?

Pets are not allowed at Hg Lomo Blanco.