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Les Fleurs

Activities in Strasbourg, France

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Why People Love Strasbourg, France

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Strasbourg, France

May 2022
First off, we were so pleased to see the vehicle --- an awesome Tesla X. Super comfortable! Great visibility during our day tour out of Strasbourg. Second, Stephane is a great tour guide and driver. We had a marvelous time traveling all over the northern section of the Alsace in France. He was c...
Oct 2022
Stephane prepared the perfect fun-packed day trip. It was so much more (and so much more thoughtful) than the website description, and that description is already very enticing! I don’t want to ruin any of the surprises; all I will say is that this is 100% worth booking and I would give it 10 s...
Jun 2022
Stephan is a brilliant guide. Prompt, courteous and very knowledgeable about the Alsace region wine varietals, villages and history. Highly recommend.

Frequently Asked Questions about Strasbourg

What are some of the best activities to do in Strasbourg?

Strasbourg is a wonderful city to explore on foot. One of the best activities to do is to take a walking tour of the city. You can also take a boat tour on the river, explore the Christmas markets during the holiday season, or visit the European Parliament. There are also many museums and galleries to explore, such as the Strasbourg Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art and the Alsatian Museum.

What are some of the top attractions in Strasbourg?

Strasbourg has many beautiful and historic attractions to explore. The most famous is the stunning Notre Dame Cathedral, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Other top attractions include the historic Petite France neighborhood, the Palais Rohan, and the Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts. The city also has many beautiful parks and gardens to explore, such as the Parc de l'Orangerie and the Jardin des Deux Rives.

What are some of the best places to eat in Strasbourg?

Strasbourg is known for its delicious Alsatian cuisine. Some of the best places to eat include Au Crocodile, a Michelin-starred restaurant that serves classic French cuisine, and La Carambole, which serves traditional Alsatian dishes such as tarte flambe and choucroute. For a more casual meal, try one of the city's many brasseries, such as La Corde Linge or Les Haras.

What are some of the best day trips from Strasbourg?

Strasbourg is located in the heart of the Alsace region, which is known for its beautiful countryside and charming towns. Some of the best day trips from Strasbourg include visiting the picturesque town of Colmar, exploring the beautiful vineyards of the Alsace Wine Route, or visiting the historic town of Riquewihr. You can also take a day trip to Baden-Baden, a spa town located just across the border in Germany.

What are some of the best museums to visit in Strasbourg?

Strasbourg has many excellent museums to explore. Some of the best include the Strasbourg Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, which features works by artists such as Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dal, the Alsatian Museum, which showcases the history and culture of the region, and the Strasbourg Museum of Fine Arts, which has a collection of over 12,000 works of art.

What are some of the best places to shop in Strasbourg?

Strasbourg has many charming shopping streets and districts to explore. One of the most popular is the Rue des Grandes Arcades, which is lined with shops selling everything from fashion to gourmet food. The Place Klber is another popular shopping destination, with many high-end boutiques and department stores. For a more traditional shopping experience, head to the Place du March Gayot, which has a daily market selling fresh produce and other goods.

What are some of the best outdoor activities to do in Strasbourg?

Strasbourg is surrounded by beautiful countryside, making it a great destination for outdoor activities. Some of the best things to do include taking a bike ride along the banks of the Rhine River, exploring the forests of the Vosges Mountains, or hiking in the nearby Black Forest. You can also take a boat tour of the city's canals or go kayaking on the Ill River.

What are some of the best accommodations in Strasbourg?

Strasbourg has many excellent hotels and other accommodations to choose from. For a luxurious stay, try the Sofitel Strasbourg Grande le or the Htel Cour du Corbeau Strasbourg. For a more budget-friendly option, try the Htel Suisse or the Htel Gutenberg. There are also many charming bed and breakfasts and vacation rentals available throughout the city.

What is the best way to get around Strasbourg?

Strasbourg is a very walkable city, and many of the top attractions are located within easy walking distance of each other. You can also rent a bike to explore the city, or take advantage of the city's excellent public transportation system, which includes trams, buses, and trains. If you're planning to explore the surrounding countryside, it's best to rent a car.

What is the best time of year to visit Strasbourg?

Strasbourg is a beautiful city to visit year-round, but the best time to visit depends on what you're looking for. The summer months are the busiest and most crowded, but also the warmest and sunniest. The winter months are colder, but the city is famous for its Christmas markets and festive atmosphere. The spring and fall are quieter and more pleasant, with milder temperatures and fewer crowds.