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Activities in Daegu, South Korea

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Why People Love Daegu, South Korea

See what people have to say about activities and accommodations in Daegu, South Korea

Jun 2021
Dony went the extra mile to show us a map of the orphanage where my fiancé was adopted, and a picture of one of the childrens’ places as they are now.
Nov 2023
一個形容就是,600上下的費用,實在太值了!遊樂設施、纜車、高塔!才這個價格 吃的東西又不貴。還不趕快購票就太可惜了
Nov 2023

Frequently Asked Questions about Daegu

What are some must-visit attractions in Daegu?

Daegu has a rich cultural history and there are many attractions worth visiting. Some must-visit attractions include the Donghwasa Temple, Seomun Market, Daegu Arboretum, and Apsan Park. Donghwasa Temple is a beautiful Buddhist temple that is located on the slopes of Palgongsan Mountain. Seomun Market is a traditional Korean market that is famous for its food and clothing. Daegu Arboretum is a beautiful park that is home to thousands of species of trees and plants. Apsan Park is a large park that is located at the peak of Apsan Mountain and offers beautiful views of the city.

What kind of activities are there to do in Daegu?

There are many activities to do in Daegu, whether you prefer outdoor activities or cultural experiences. Some popular activities include hiking in Palgongsan Mountain, visiting the Daegu National Museum, and trying the local cuisine. Palgongsan Mountain is a popular hiking destination that offers beautiful views of the city. The Daegu National Museum is a great place to learn about the history and culture of Daegu. The local cuisine in Daegu is known for its spiciness and is a must-try for anyone visiting the city.

What is the best time of year to visit Daegu?

The best time of year to visit Daegu is during the spring or fall. The weather is mild during these seasons and the city is beautiful with cherry blossoms in the spring and colorful foliage in the fall. The summer can be quite hot and humid, while the winter can be cold and snowy.

What are some traditional Korean dishes to try in Daegu?

There are many traditional Korean dishes to try in Daegu, including makchang (grilled pork intestines), jjimdak (braised chicken with vegetables), and sannakji (live baby octopus). Makchang is a popular street food that is grilled over charcoal and served with a spicy sauce. Jjimdak is a hearty and savory dish that is made with chicken, vegetables, and a sweet and savory sauce. Sannakji is a unique dish that involves eating live baby octopus that is cut into small pieces and served raw.

What are some popular shopping destinations in Daegu?

Daegu is known for its shopping, and there are many popular shopping destinations in the city. Some popular shopping destinations include Seomun Market, Dongseongno Street, and Hyundai Department Store. Seomun Market is a traditional Korean market that is famous for its food and clothing. Dongseongno Street is a popular shopping street that is lined with shops selling clothes, shoes, and accessories. Hyundai Department Store is a large department store that offers a wide range of products, including luxury brands.

What are some good accommodations in Daegu?

There are many good accommodations in Daegu, ranging from budget-friendly guesthouses to luxury hotels. Some popular options include Grand Hotel, Novotel Ambassador Daegu, and Hotel Inter-Burgo Exco. Grand Hotel is a luxury hotel located in the city center that offers beautiful views of the city. Novotel Ambassador Daegu is a modern hotel that is conveniently located near the train station. Hotel Inter-Burgo Exco is a large hotel that is located near the Daegu Exhibition and Convention Center.

What are some family-friendly activities to do in Daegu?

There are many family-friendly activities to do in Daegu, whether you prefer outdoor activities or cultural experiences. Some popular activities include visiting the Daegu Children's Museum, exploring the Daegu Science Museum, and hiking in Palgongsan Mountain. The Daegu Children's Museum is a great place for kids to learn about science and technology in a fun and interactive way. The Daegu Science Museum is another great place to learn about science and technology, with hands-on exhibits and interactive displays. Hiking in Palgongsan Mountain is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

What are some romantic things to do in Daegu?

There are many romantic things to do in Daegu, whether you prefer outdoor activities or cultural experiences. Some popular activities include visiting the Donghwasa Temple, exploring the Daegu Art Museum, and taking a stroll through Suseong Lake. The Donghwasa Temple is a beautiful Buddhist temple that is located on the slopes of Palgongsan Mountain and offers beautiful views of the city. The Daegu Art Museum is a great place to see contemporary art and enjoy the beautiful architecture of the building. Suseong Lake is a beautiful park that is a popular destination for couples, with its beautiful scenery and romantic atmosphere.

What is the transportation system like in Daegu?

The transportation system in Daegu is efficient and convenient, with a network of buses and a subway system. The subway system is easy to navigate and covers most of the city, while the buses offer a more flexible and comprehensive network. Taxis are also readily available and affordable, and can be hailed on the street or booked through a mobile app. For those who prefer to drive, there are several car rental companies operating in Daegu.

What are some local customs and traditions to be aware of in Daegu?

There are several local customs and traditions to be aware of in Daegu. One of the most important is the concept of jeong, which refers to a deep sense of affection and loyalty towards family, friends, and community. It is also important to remove your shoes when entering someone's home or a traditional Korean restaurant. When dining with others, it is polite to wait for the oldest person to begin eating before starting yourself. Finally, it is important to be respectful of cultural and religious sites, such as temples and shrines.